Join us. Participate in ExpressYourselfBlog’s ongoing non-partisan ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign, inspired by a vision for a positive collective civic experience of Civic Pride and Citizenship. In April 2019, ExpressYourselfBlog started the ‘I Am a Civic Citizen’ Campaign as a way for citizens across the nation to come together and engage in a non-partisan positive collective civic experience.
The official Campaign launch date was the Fourth of July 2019 and ran through the 2020 Elections for our first Campaign Election Cycle. For this ongoing Campaign, we encourage Citizens to get involved, vote informed through civic education, various credible news sources, and more. Most importantly, be inspired to vote in all elections, and share civic deeds or inspirational civic experiences that may include those outside their political party.

Campaign And Participation
Participation in our ongoing citizen engagement Campaign is easy. To participate, simply use any combination of our original Hashtags #IAmACivicCitizen, #MyCivicDeeds, or #CivicInspired across your Social Media accounts. Where offered, attend an ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’, Citizen Engagement event where we’ll share information to help all Citizens Vote Informed. See details at the end of the page on ‘What You Can Expect’ during these ongoing events. View our Campaign Category definitions directly below to get started:
I Am A ‘Civic Citizen’
For the purpose of our Campaign, a ‘Civic Citizen’ is someone who votes in all Elections held during Primary, General, and Midterm Election cycles. This would also include any ‘Special Elections’ or run-off Elections that may be scheduled during the election cycle. The ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign takes it a couple of steps further.
The first step of our ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign is simple. Review ExpressYourselfBlog’s official Voter Resource Guide for everything you’ll need to guide you throughout the voting process. To start, learn how and when to register to vote. Next, seek ways to vote informed on issues and Candidates. In addition to news outlets, identify independent resources for information. Our official Voter Resource Guide offers Candidate comparison links from A trusted source that has been used by news organizations for decades and someone ExpressYourselfBlog reached out to for guidance on their best tools to support our Campaign. Lastly, for our first Campaign Election Cycle, vote in all upcoming elections for your county, city, or state. Depending on where you reside, this may include the Mayoral, City Council, Lieutenant Governor, Gubernatorial, Senate, etc. and of course the Presidential races. All depends on the election cycle in which you are voting for any given year.
Once you vote, post your Civic Action on Social Media using our hashtag directly below, and offer the type of Election in which you voted.

Civic Deeds
Next, share your ‘Civic Deeds’ via social media post, no matter how far back your Deeds go we want to hear about them. What are ‘Civic Deeds’ exactly? Well, in this case, it’s a combination of deeds and civic engagement. The literary definition of a ‘Deed’ is ‘An action that is performed intentionally or consciously’, usually associated with ‘Good Deeds’. The term ‘Civic’ relates to your town, city, community, etc. So our definition of ‘Civic Deeds‘ refers to Citizens taking a personal initiative to ‘Get Involved’ and do something good for the benefit of their community and country. This may be voting in every Election as a civic duty, volunteering for a Campaign or non-profit organization that advocates for citizen empowerment, participating in peaceful protests, creating and/or signing a petition, or sharing information on your social networks to help keep Voters informed of Polices, Bills or Regulatory changes that impact their day-to-day, supporting an issue resolution that benefits a Citizen majority, or participating in a community clean-up effort. It’s your call.

Once you’ve identified which Civic Deed you’d like to share, post the details or video on your Social Media platform using the hashtag directly below.
Civic Inspired
The last component of the ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign is to share civic-inspired experiences. This is any civic-related experience that was inspiring for you. This could be a personal story or engagement with an individual or group either within or outside your political party, such as participation in peaceful protests for positive change benefiting the community and/or country. The civic inspiration may be related to an experience at a Campaign Rally, a connection with a Political Candidate which may include their history as a change agent for good, the passing of legislation that benefits the majority, or something as simple as an inspirational statement made by a Politician, or Political Pundit that inspired you to act or share with others.
It’s whatever made you feel inspired about being a part of a collective Civic Community in that moment.

Once you’ve identified which Civic Inspired moment you’d like to share post the details, pic, or video on your Social Media platform using the hashtag directly below.
When posting your ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign efforts on ‘Social Media’ use hashtags associated with participation, either #IAmACivicCitizen, #MyCivicDeeds, #CivicInspired, or any combination.
We’re encouraging all Citizens, Politicians, Organizations, and Communities to come together and participate in elevating conversations and interactions. Be a part of a Community of Citizens engaged in a positive collective Civic experience through ExpressYourselfBlog’s ‘I Am A Civic Citizen Campaign’. A non-partisan endeavor.
~Inspired to leave a Civic Legacy Of Good as a Citizen collective

What You Can Expect
For ExpressYourselfBlog’s ongoing ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign we will utilize this opportunity to inform, educate, and inspire Voters to get involved and turn out to vote in all Elections. We will partner with Leaders, Organizations, and Citizens to hold ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ non-partisan ‘Vote Informed’ community events beginning in July 2019 for our first Campaign Election Cycle. Since its inception in 2015, ExpressYourselfBlog has offered a uniquely comprehensive Voter Resource Roadmap for continual online voter access for voting informed and knowing when, how, and where to vote. This list, also known as our ‘Voter Resource Guide‘, has been retitled to represent the Campaign’s official ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Voter Resource Roadmap.
Providing access to comprehensive and useful voting information for every Citizen in a singular location, not previously offered on any other ‘Voter Information’ sites, Political platforms, or via news outlets at the time we launched, such as a link for Felons, Upcoming Elections & Timelines, or Candidates running to name a few gaps, was the genesis for launching ExpressYourselfBlog in 2015. We are very excited about our ongoing National Campaign to continue that vision to increase voter turnout for all Elections, expanding our efforts to include direct Citizen outreach for collective engagement.
In addition to encouraging Citizens across all states to share their Civic Deeds or Civic Inspired moments via Social Media, we will offer an ongoing in-person opportunity to share voter information as outlined below on what you can expect for each event held during Campaign Election Cycles. These events are to support our initial goal and primary focus for ExpressYourselfBlog, increased voter turnout to Vote All Elections. This information will continue to be offered on the website and ExpressYourselfBlog’s Social Media networks as it has been since we embarked on our mission in 2015.
Voter Resource Roadmap-Official

- Voter Registration Forms and Online Options to Complete
- Voting Information (When, Where, What’s Needed, etc)
- Upcoming Elections (Local, Midterm Congressional, Presidential, etc.)
- Upcoming Debates, In-Person and Televised (Local and Presidential)
- Opportunities to ‘Now Get Involved’
- Political Positions and Roles/Impact on Local Level
- And More…
NOTE: Currently in-person Citizen Engagement events presented by ExpressYourselfBlog’s ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign representatives are specific to North Carolina citizens only. We encourage organizations, political leaders, and communities to hold their own Citizen Engagement events across all states.
‘I Am A Civic Citizen’, Citizen Engagement event dates will be posted as they are available.
‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign is an ExpressYourselfBlog original. Co-Sponsored by Sisterhood Sharing Sessions, Inc as ‘Sisterhood Civic Sessions’ or ‘Sisterhood Civics’.
UPDATE: JULY 23, 2020: Office of Decease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) | Healthy
More reasons to Join in the ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign. Excerpt from Healthy ‘In addition to the direct benefit that civic participation provides to the community, it also produces secondary health benefits for participants.2, 3 This summary focuses on the relationship between civic participation, health, and well-being.’