JOIN US, participate in ExpressYourselfBlog’s non-partisan ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’ Campaign. Getting started is easy and inspiring. For this ongoing Campaign, we encourage Citizens to get involved, vote informed through civic education, various credible news sources, and more, vote in all elections, and share civic deeds or inspirational civic experiences that may include those outside their political party.


Black Lives Matter Protests 2020 NYC

The Contract. A significant message on race in America from Trevor Noah
VISIT our ‘I Am A Civic Citizen Campaign’ Playlist on our YouTube channel or ‘I Am A Civic Citizen Campaign’ Catagory Post for powerful, inspirational, informative, and at times humorous video clips and stories from our original social media #Hashtag supported Campaign themes, ‘Civic Inspired’, ‘My Civic Deeds’ and ‘I Am A Civic Citizen’.