Tuesday October 10, 2017 is Election Day for Charlotte City Council District 5 Run-Off. The only race in the Charlotte Primary Election held September 12, 2017 in which 40% of the vote was not reached by either party to declare a definitive victory. Former Mecklenburg County Democratic Chair Matt Newton captured 28.44% of the votes, trailing his Democratic opponent Darrell Bonapart, who commanded 34.51% of the Charlotte Primary vote.
ExpressYourselfBlog caught up with Democratic Candidate Matt Newton at a community function recently, and ask that he explain why he is the best Candidate to do the best job for constituents residing in Charlotte City Council District 5. His captured response is uncut.
Historically, run-off elections fair even worse than the Primaries. More specifically Municipal Elections, with the September Charlotte Primaries as an example, pulling in less than eight percent (8%) of eligible voters. That being the case, Matt Newton is in a precarious position, as he finds himself trailing his party opponent Darrell Bonapart from the Charlotte Primary Election. However, it’s not over until it’s over and we patiently await the results of today’s election.
Citizens, as always, enjoy the privilege of voting. To the candidates, good luck to all.
October 10, 2017 Polls open 6:30-7:30 p.m.
List of Contest found at North Carolina State Board Of Elections
Where to Vote, find your polling place at North Carolina State Board Of Elections Look-Up
ExpressYourselfBlog, Creative Commentary