Charlotte Mayoral Nominee, Democrat Vi Lyles speaks at Volunteer kick-off event, October 11, 2017. The Charlotte voters that showed up to support Lyles, were diverse and reflected the city of Charlotte very well.

Lyles Comfortable With Constituents

Everyone that approached Mayor Pro-Tem Vi Lyles, was greeted with a warm and sincere embrace, instead of hand shakes. She appeared quite comfortable and in her element with her constituents. Her interactions with the citizens that showed up to support her campaign was engaging. There seemed an automatic and instinctive trust between them. A comfort level among people and politician that was palpable and inferred a statement that said, ‘I’ve got you’.

Lyles Speaks To Citizens

After mingling with Charlotte constituents one on one, Lyles offered a brief speech to the audience of volunteers. One part of the speech in particular that stuck out, and seemed to really resonate with the group of voters, was the statement about one of the key abilities citizens should look for in a Mayor for the city of Charlotte. Vi Lyles contended, “What’s important is a Mayor that can walk into every part of our city”. She elaborated on that statement with a quote she credited to a city of Charlotte constituent, “From the Barber Shop, to the Board Room”.

Lyles Platform

The Lyles campaign appears to be well-versed on what is going on in the city of Charlotte, and most importantly Lyles seems to have a pulse on just how it is impacting citizens, and what can be done to support the needs of the people going forward. A key part of her platform is to recruit and keep businesses in the city of Charlotte, to make it possible to expand job access to low-income residents. Providing affordable housing, a long-standing challenge in the city, and improving trust between citizens and law enforcement. A trending topic since the shooting death of a Charlotte resident, Keith Scott that devastated a community and swelled a conversation about police transparency, and community trust across the city of Charlotte.

ExpressYourselfBlog Side Note: Local elections, and decisions made by local politicians most impact the lives of everyday people. Citizens should be diligent in their pursuit to know and understand the political platform or agenda of each candidate for leverage to vote informed.


  • Early Voting Period for General Elections October 19-November 4
  • Election Day, Charlotte Mayor and other key local races November 7, 2017

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