Charlotte’s Primary Election
ExpressYourselfBlog caught up with a few Democratic candidates running in Charlotte’s Primary Election in North Carolina, and each graciously agreed to answer two key questions citizens consider most important. Their responses are uncut.
- What do you feel is the primary role of the position in which you are running as Candidate?
- What makes you the best Candidate for the office based on that description?
ExpressYourselfBlog Exclusive | Candidates Converse Series:
Candidates Appearing In Videos:
- State Senator, Joel Ford-Candidate for Mayor for the City of Charlotte
- Julie Eiselt-Candidate for Charlotte City Council At Large
- Eric Erickson-Candidate for Charlotte City Council for District 2
- Matt Newton-Candidate for Charlotte City Council for District 5
ExpressYourselfBlog, Candidates Converse Series (Video Interviews)