City Council Town Hall
While many are laser-focused on the impending and much anticipated 2020 Presidential Elections, there are several key 2019 Elections coming up in Charlotte, North Carolina, the state’s largest metro area. Among Charlotte’s 2019 Elections is the City Council race. As a way to prepare Citizens for this all-important Local Election, Chairman of Precinct 151, Democrat Philip Benson will be hosting a ‘District 4 City Council Town Hall Meeting‘.
The ‘District 4 Town Hall Meeting‘ will be held, Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at Crossway Church located at 6400 Prosperity Church Road, Charlotte, North Carolina from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Eastern. During this Town Hall, Citizens of District 4 consisting of voting blocks in Precincts, 145, 151, and 239, will have a unique opportunity to ask questions regarding topics atop of their minds of their would-be City Council members. In doing so, Citizens in attendance can better understand who would best serve them and the specific needs of their District.
In addition to having access to ask questions to any panel member, which includes Republican and Democratic candidates vying for the position to service District 4 Constituents, Citizens will have a front-row seat to hear exactly what each Candidate’s plans are to serve their community. The level of overall information that will be shared at this Town Hall will offer Voters leverage to ‘Vote Informed’.
District 4 City Council Candidate List
Included for Citizen review in preparation for their questions to the Candidates and to understand their agenda for the city, is a list of Candidates by Political Party as confirmed on the official ‘Board of Elections’ website at meckboe.org, with links to their Campaign website. In addition, a link has been provided with a description of the role of City Council Members to further help every Citizen ‘Vote Smart‘.
Disclosure: This is a non-partisan forum. Each Candidate from each party has been invited to participate.
Democratic Candidates
Richmond V. Baker
Web Site: www.richmondbaker.com
Gabriel (Gabe) Cartagena
Web Site: www.facebook.com/gabeincharlotte
Charlene Henderson El
Web Site: www.facebook.com/charlene4charlotte
Renee Perkins Johnson
Web Site: www.reneeperkinsjohnson.com
Charles Robinson
Web Site: www.electcharlesrobinson.com
Sean Thompson
Web Site: www.voteseanthompson.com
Republican Candidates
Brandon Pierce
Web Site: www.votebrandonpierce.com
Your Vote Matters
Check voter registration, learn where to Vote Early in Charlotte NC Primary Elections, and more. Access our link for Key NC Upcoming Elections 2019.
Important Dates At A Glance:
The 2019 Charlotte’s Mayoral, City Council, and other municipal elections are set to take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, with Primary Elections scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2019. Vote early, Wednesday, October 16 through Friday, November 1, 2019.
NOTE: Voter ID not required until 2020 Elections. Polls open 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. for most counties during Primary and General Municipal Elections.
Enjoy the privilege of the vote~ExpressYourselfBlog
Source Links: Meckboe.gov and CharlotteNC.gov