Joe Scarborough Denounces Republican Party to Stephen Colbert
Joe Scarborough Denounces Republican Party on ‘The Late Show’ with Stephen Colbert

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ announced Tuesday on ‘The Late Show’ with Stephen Colbert, that he will be registering as an Independent, stating “I’m not going to be a Republican any more”. Powerful words from a die-hard Republican, and former Congressman. Joe Scarborough denounces his Republican party stating, “My party has betrayed their core values”. A damning allegation worth examining, if you are a loyal and devoted Republican that takes pride in your party’s principles and standards of behavior. For Scarborough at least, he cannot in good conscience continue to support egregious policies that he feels, attempt to violate human rights of American Citizens. The very rights government officials are entrusted to protect. Joe cited one such proposed policy in particular, the ‘Muslim Ban’ which restricts travel for specific countries and individuals, declaring “I could never vote for anybody in my party that would say they are going to ‘BAN’ people because of the God they worshiped”.

The Executive Order for a ‘Muslim Ban’ (Travel Ban) was rejected by Sally Yates, citing “I made a determination that I believed that it was unlawful”, as reported in CNN Article. She was immediately fired by Donald Trump and his Republican Administration, for simply adhering to the guidelines of integrity she felt, she was hired to uphold in her position as acting Attorney General. The response time requested of her by the Trump Administration, did not offer an opportunity to vet and understand not just the law, but the constitutionality of such a request, and potential violation of religious freedom. This push of power without vetting or bipartisan collaboration, has become the norm for the new Administration. In May of 2017 the Fourth U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Trump’s travel ban blocked until key components of the order could be reviewed. While Yates said during her testimony, the office concluded the order was lawful, she further noted, as reported in CNN Article,”The office’s focus was “narrow” and ignored contextual factors that she said undermined the legality of the order”. NPR reported the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals chief judge’s written statement of the travel ban, “drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination.”

ExpressYourselfblog, Creative Commentary


Image Source: Snapshot of The Late Show Video

