Black History Month 2017 is the first opportunity since his exit from the White House, to recognize the accomplishments of the first African-American President of the United States of America, Barack Obama and the people’s account of his accomplishments.
2017 #BlackHistoryMonth Oppty to #RecognizePOTUS44 @BarackObama as the first African American #POTUS & the Ppls acct of his accomplishments.
— ExpressYourselfBlog (@EYBVote) February 1, 2017
Upon review of the many lists of President Obama’s accomplishments that have been documented and reported by various sources, ExpressYourselfBlog wanted to take a look at a few of the less known. Those often forgotten, but ever so important policies that greatly benefitted everyday people. That is not to say some of the most notable accomplishments did not have a profound impact on our everyday living. The capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden, the Terrorist U.S. identified as being responsible for the attack on the ‘World Trade Center’, killing thousands of Americans certainly gave citizens a great sense of safety.
The top 10 list chosen by ExpressYourselfBlog, is representative of our #TopTableTopics series of what is most top of mind for everyday Americans like family finances, jobs, affordable education, etc. The list was compiled by, derived from, and comprised by ‘Washington Monthly Magazine, Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments in support of our focus. The article was published in 2012, so he was just getting started.
History will be written and rewritten by news organizations, scholars, and historians alike. ExpressYourselfBlog wanted to capture the sentiment of the people. Stay tuned for ExpressYourselfBlog’s 2nd half of the people’s account of accomplishments by the Obama administration that had the most impact on their day to day, during ‘2017 Black History Month’.
AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE ACTION: We want to hear from you. Offer feedback on policies implemented by the Obama administration that most impacted you and your families lives, and use #RecognizePOTUS44.
ExpressYourselfblog ‘Creative Commentary’
Accomplishment List Source: Washington Monthly Magazine, Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments
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