Hillary Clinton is receiving a lot of attention just days before her first Presidential Debate with Donald Trump, as this video that chronicles her life in politics, and service is being played across social media. She has been dubbed a ‘Badass’ by Huffington Post, a homage to what they list as her career accomplishments, and that name has stuck. If Hillary is the ‘Badass’ of politics, then her husband Bill Clinton is the ‘Original Rock Star’, so dubbed by ‘ExpressYourselfBlog’, with a list of political power moves of his own. And who could forget the ‘Arsenio Hall Show’ that showcased his musical talents to the American public, as a Presidential Candidate playing the sax. Now that was a sight to see, and a moment that stuck in the voter’s psyche and some say ultimately catapulted him to the Presidency. Before there was Barrack and Michelle, there was this powerful political duo. With Hillary’s lead in several of the battleground states, Bill could become our first ‘First Dude’, as she becomes our first ever female President. The world is watching.


Photo: mediamatters.org